Sunday, March 25, 2012

You can't study the darkness by flooding it with light.

A sunset sandstorm to welcome us to the valley floor. After we had the extreme weather at the Wildrose campsite, we decided to move closer to the valley floor from the hills. We ended up at mesquite springs campsite. It was more like a parking lot than Wildrose, but it wasn't that bad after the first night when everyone left for home. We had 5 or 6 neighbors that day and it was great. So back to this image, I took this from the road on the way to our new campsite. I had to get a sunset picture and this is a very unique one for me. I finally figured out how to fix my off kilter images and adjusted this one counter-clockwise, then I took out the colors from everywhere but around the sun. I really wanted to give a good idea of what we saw. The sun was colorful, but there was no color anywhere but around the sun.

Canon 600D, ISO 100, 53mm, f/5.6, 1/3200 second

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