Monday, March 26, 2012

Nailed It!

Well, I don't know about you, but I love to explore antique workshops. I am fascinated by antique tools. I just love to see how we got from a rock and a stick to a Skilsaw. So over at Scotty's Castle in Death Valley, we checked out his garage (nothing very impressive) but there were a few tools in the back. And sitting under the table holding 500 lbs of vintage electrical equipment was this board with nails in it completely looked over for years. So I got a mouse's view of it. I look at this and my mind imagination runs wild as to how the cement or plaster got on the nails. These are a strange shaped nail, when were those used. Could they have been part of the antique cars, maybe part of a truck bed? Well, that is just some fun with DoF and Nails. Again, not an HDR image and coincidentally Liz's favorite.

Canon 600D, ISO 200, 44mm, f/5, 1/60 second
Desaturated to monochrome.

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