Monday, March 26, 2012

Don't Bogart That Joint!

So, I took this back in 2007 on a trip to the states while living abroad. In 2007, I was living in Sweden and Eva and I took a trip to visit my family in the states for a month or so. On our trip I got to act as a tourist since I didn't get to live in a US city. I got to revel in a double-double, drink piss water american beer and enjoy it's low cost. A bottle of Budweiser at the "liquor store" in Sweden was $2, and that is ONE normal long neck bottle. Eva was not very familiar with drug culture in america nor was she very interested, but I took her for a tour of the Haight and after we grabbed a pint at the Magnolia brewing company, I snapped this shot. Mind you there are more colors at that intersection, but I was feeling artsy fartsy to I removed all colors except blue from the image. I like how it came out. BTW, I did the color editing in Gimp which is what I used up until last week.

Sony DSC-P100, ISO 100, 24mm, f/10, 1/125 second

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