Monday, January 14, 2013

Long Time, No See

OK, so it's been six months since I posted. Lazy me. Really I've had other things to focus on, work, car, Jip, etc.

So I have jump started my photography again by installing new firmware blah blah blah (Insert geeky mumbo jumbo here) So essentially what I did was do something to improve the quality of the HDR images. Well, I can't be sure of that just yet, but I've been assured that it will improve my HDR shots so why don't we give it a try.

Quick and dirty of it. New firmware lets me take 9 shot HDR instead of the standard 3 shot HDR that my old firmware allowed. I won't get into the details, but it's pretty nifty, although the GUI isn't as pretty.

So First we start with the 9 shot. Tone Mapped and here it is. Got some Chromatic Aberrations, and it's got some blurry spots.

Next we try the 3 shot standard which is how the camera came. 0, -2, +2 standard. Same processing settings as the 9 shot.

OK, so, as I see it, the 9 shot gives better detail, pulls more detail out of the shadows, however it tends to get blurry if there is even a slight wind or ANYTHING moves. Lot's of ghosting which means more time to process into a great shot. Next we will try something a little different to get this new firmware to make itself worth the hassle of installing. HDR 0, -3, +3 maybe? not sure, or maybe just 5 shot instead of 9.

Let me know what you think of the 9 shot? Kind of a mess I think.

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